Tuesday, January 8, 2008

9 weeks to go...

I was reading a blog post today. It is my friend's friend, Jessica. We read one anothers blogs and comment even though we've never met. She went to college with my friend Meredith. Anyway, her and I are both expecting and she had an interesting post, 'Must Have Baby Items', which has really got me thinking of everything I need to get done before Baby #2 arrives. So in order to stay on top of what I need to get done I've opted to write my list here for everyone to see and hold me accountable.
  • Buy furniture for Ryleigh's big girl room - DONE
  • Buy mattress for Ryleigh's big girl room
  • Paint Ryleigh's big girl room
  • Go through tub of 0-3 month clothes in basement
  • Go through 2 tubs of baby stuff and clean/pull what I need
  • Get Ryleigh potty trained (okay this is more of a wish/dream but its on the list) - WORKING
  • Do my pre-registration for the hospital (should have been done 6 weeks ago) - WORKING
  • Make and freeze meals for March (not starting this till Feb 1 but need to plan what I will make)
  • Purchase items that I feel I need the 2nd time around... double stroller, sling, etc
  • Purchase a packet of thank you notes (b/c I assume I will either get gifts/meals from folks and need to thank them without hunting for cards in Hallmark just days after giving birth)
  • Donut... need to be sure I still have inflatable donut and if not - buy one since my hospital is anti-donut and would rather see me suffer for 2 days b/c their more worried about my hemorrhoids than they are my tootiefala (that is what my grandmother called it)!
  • Buy Ryleigh's "I am a big sister t-shirt" and wrap and have with hospital bag so she has a gift to open when she comes to visit at the hospital
  • Buy Ryleigh a banner for Glenn to hang above her new room when the baby arrives (I am big sister)
  • Junk food bag... b/c my hospital serves what only can be described as icky food!
  • Oh and must not forget to do all the other stuff that I normally do....

Not too bad and now that I've written it down and put some thought into it I feel ready to tackle the next 9 weeks!


Jessica said...

That is a totally doable list! I've got a similar list working here at the old homestead. Potty training Dylan is at the top, though it's a fleeting dream...

Maribeth said...

It does seem doable but sad thing is I don't want to do them! Oh well. I am sure the 'nesting' will kick me into gear soon (I hope!).