Wednesday, February 20, 2008

... is the baby here yet

NO! Not yet but I did see the doctor Tuesday and I am now 3 centimeters. If you know me at all, I am a bit freaked out. I know it is no biggie but since I was induced with Ryleigh I really have no experience with this whole going into labor at home thing. It's a bit scary because I don't know what labor feels like without Pitocin. From what I've been told the drug makes them more intense so I am wondering will I know what a contraction will even feel like???
Also the hubby has been out of town. He gets in tomorrow night!!!! We have another doc appt scheduled on Monday and we will make the final decision on whether Glenn will attempt more one more trip or we'll just keep him around (I already have my thoughts...but I am willing to see).
So that's the latest and greatest. Stay tuned!


Tam-e said...

For your sake Maribeth I hope you get to experience going into labor all on your own. I too was induced with my first one. I prayed hard during the 2nd pregnancy that I would be able to go into labor on my own. Which I did and I found it to be sooo awesome! You will know when you are having contractions and you will find it to be exciting when you are able to start timing and everything! Well, I hope you will find it exciting. I just love the whole birthing process! I must I had four! I would probably have more if I could afford it. I am praying that you will have an awesome delivery!

Amanda said...

UUUM YES- You will know when you are in me sister you will know!! :) I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! Your nursing cover is going postal tomorrow! It looks great- hope you love it!

Nicole said...

You will know when you go into labor. It is gradual, just don't wait until the contractions are 2 minutes apart to call the doc like I did with Jacob! My water broke at home, 1 hour from the hospital, but I still had pleantly of time and even got the epi. I was supposed to be induce with Samuel, but went into labor the day before. Contractions started at noon and he was born at 2:07 AM. Good Luck, you are in my prayers!