Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I just got a call from the doctor's office... I don't have gestational diabetes! Crazy, but I made her go through my results and it appears I am in the clear! Thank goodness... now bring on the Christmas Feast!!!!


Tam-e said...

That is great! Now you can enjoy the holiday!

Maribeth said...

I am in total & complete shock! I thought there was no way I would pass. I still can't get my head around it! I am SOOO excited about being able to enjoy the holidays to the fullest.

Amanda said...

HOORAY!!! :) I hope you are feeling better! YIKES! Sounds a little scary..

Meredith said...

Shut up, this is AWESOME!!! Have a great time enjoying your fave foods at Christmas - no counting or weighing food. Yeah!