Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dear Makers of Pirate's Booty,

I am addicted to your product. I am not sure what you put into Pirate's Booty but I found myself on my computer today, rolling through blogs, munching away on a bag of Pirate's Booty and before I knew it, the bag was gone. Nothing in the bottom. It was empty. Now I know I shouldn't feel HORRIBLE for eating a whole bag because heck it's sold in health food sections of stores so it just must be good for me. So the fact that I ate 4 servings (that's what's in one whole bag) shouldn't be all that awful. However when I was done I WANTED MORE!!! So I am now putting myself on Pirate's Booty restriction. No more! I am done! Finished!
I hope that was the last bag in my cupboard...

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