Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Okay you know when you reach the point where you physically feel as if you're about to boil over? I am there! I have been there for the past few hours. I've put myself in a time-out & it doesn't seem to be helping. Hubby is out of town, kids are being fairly good but I am just done. Put a fork on me, I am done. I am ready to pack my bags and get in my car and drive away from it all (figuratively speaking). I am not really sure what is going on in my head but here are a few of my complaints:
Tired of the same day in/day out routine. I feel as if I have set my world to revolve around 1 two and half year old. I could go into the ins/outs of our typical day but I just can't... I just feel as if I got lost in the shuffle of 1 demanding & spoiled two year old.
Tired of this post-pregnancy body. You know when you just don't feel pretty... I am there and have been sitting here for oh about 1 year! I think the last time I felt okay with my appearance was at my friend Kim's wedding on 7/7/07.
Tired of being jealous...yup I am incredibly jealous of my husband and his ability to get away from it all & having a life of his own outside of this family. That little green monster gets the best of me when I am down in the dumps and I wish it wouldn't.
So there you go, a washed up mom's pent up angry spewing out on the page of her blog. I KNOW I should be appreciative of the time I have with my children and how it all such a blessing but EVERYONE gets sick of their own life and wants to step out or step back from it. I don't care who you are we all feel this way. I know I don't have 'readership' that comments so I know I won't feel any hate but in case you are out there and are ready to comment think twice because I am breathing fire right now!


Ann Edwards said...

Don't worry. I'm right there with you some days, but luckily the next day arrives and it is usually so much better. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I am right there with you sister! I get so mad at my husband, he leaves for work in the morning and when he gets home he sits on the couch to relax. When do I get to do that?? I work full time from the house plus take care of a 2 1/2year old and a 11 month old. I know exactly how you feel. But then, like you said, I think about how lucky I am to be able to stay home with the kids and watch them grow. Have a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. Look back at the baby pictures and remember what it was like then. It will get better:)

Alisa said...

Oooh girl, I know what you mean. That's why I'm headed back out to the workforce outside the home. I can't take care of the tykes full time and then when they aren't here, sit at my PC and work. I need to get back out and have a balance but I'm totally scared. I don't want to leave them but I know it will be best for all of us and quite frankly, raising two is EXPENSIVE and the cashola will help. I feel like you do ALL the time. There is nothing harder than raising kids and then feel like your losing yourself. You need more breaks and outings...get sitters more or more grandparent weekend stays! You'll feel much better and then refreshed.

Jessica said...

I'm sending you a hug through the computer!
I'm soooo with you.
I can't STAND doing the same thing every single day. Especially when the same thing is PICK UP THE TOYS, again. PICK UP THE CLOTHES, again.
So yeah, I'm with you.

Maribeth said...

Feeling the love! THANK YOU ALL!!!

Meredith said...

Oh, MB you are SOOOO not alone. And as a fellow Mom with a traveling husband, it is just worse since they seem to get away all the time and we hardly ever do. And even when I do have time to myself, I feel guilty. Drop the kids off here anytime SERIOUSLY - Brendan is so in love with Ry and would love to see her more. We'll survive these years, I promise. Next thing you know they'll be headed to kindergarten!

P.S. I think not having MDO this summer has really sucked. We aren't getting the breaks we used to!

Maribeth said...

I can't wait till MDO! It starts after our vaca and Evan is going too!!! MDO is my sanity break. I think I may look into joining a gym again too. Need to get out my aggression and get the bod back into shape (do something for myself).

Tam-e said...

Maribeth, try having 4 kids and feeling like you do! I feel like this most of the time! We all have moments like this and as some have already stated, you need to make time for yourself. I can't stress it enough how important it is to get out and do something for you. And don't feel guilty!!! :) You give so much of yourself that you need to take time to fill back up so that you can be the Mom/Wife you need/want to be!

Amanda said...

hey- are you feeling better?
miss you-