Wednesday, March 5, 2008


We're home. Here are the stats for those of you who may not know yet...

Baby Boy
Name: Evan Reid
Delivered at 10:49 am
7 lbs. 5 oz / 19.2 inches

We're doing great. I feel fab and Evan is a terrific sleeper and eater. Ryleigh is still at her grandparents and will be until this horrible bug is gone. She went to the doctor's yesterday because it was still raging and my mom was getting very concerned. Glenn met them at the doctor's and she has a viral infection that is running it's course. They got some advice on how to try to get meds into her and liquids (milkshakes!!!). Today she seems to be on the mend I can finally report. However she will be staying at my parents until she has been fever free for at least 24 hours. So hopefully she will be able to join us on Friday but most likely it will be Saturday. I can't wait to see her. I miss her and I want some photos with her and her brother.

I will post a photo or two soon... I just need to upload them but I have some other pressing things like nursing to go do...and shower... and maybe a nap. Till then, thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. I got them because this was the easiest delivery and I feel great & Evan is beautiful and doing super!!!!


Amanda said...

i can't wait to see him- one of my very fave photos is one of the very first time parker saw Abe- so have the camera ready!:)

Jessica said...


Laurie said...

Congrats, MB! I happened upon your blog through Alisa........glad to hear you had a healthy boy and all is well! Hope Ryleigh is better soon! Take care!

Alisa said...

Sharp Family,

Congratulations on making it home and things going so smoothly! You have to fill me in on the middle name and if there's significance or if you just liked it. It sounds great with Evan. Sure hope Ry gets to kickin' this sickness to the curb ASAP!

Alex "Skinny" McKinney said...

Congratulations MB!

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday Evan Reid! You are SO cute!

Maribeth said...

Thank you so much everyone for the congrats.